Getting married in a castle: why is it everyone's dream?

March 7, 2024

Whether it's for a corporate seminar, a family vacation week, or a celebration among friends, the choice of venue is often crucial to the success of an event. To bring together the largest number of people, it's better to choose a venue that everyone agrees on. And for that, castles are quite effective. 'Wow, it's in a castle! I can't miss this!' This is even more true in the wedding industry, where some castles are fully booked several years in advance. It's simple: getting married in a castle in France, everyone dreams of it! But why exactly? What drives us to idealize this type of venue for the big day? This is what Winnie Mariage analyzes for you in this article.

Immersing oneself in a world of princes and princesses

The romance of fairy tales

'And they lived happily ever after...' A narrative passed down from generation to generation, from medieval tales to Disney animated films, influencing our life choices. Indeed, living happily and having many children is often what newlyweds aspire to. From Sleeping Beauty to Rapunzel to Cinderella, all these princesses share the commonality of getting married in a castle. Immersed in this romantic imagination since our earliest childhood, it's no wonder that we feel the irresistible urge to do the same.

The prestige of royalty

Another narrative that shapes our imagination, and could explain our attraction to castles, is the prestige of nobility. One thinks of the kings of France, the castles of Versailles, Chambord, or Fontainebleau. Majestic, isn't it? Furthermore, in a more modern version, the imposing castle of The Great Gatsby. Who has never dreamed of being invited to one of these incredible social events? Here too, unconsciously, our storytelling mind enjoys projecting itself into this world, so codified yet comfortable.

Getting married in a castle to experience a timeless moment

A picturesque and unforgettable setting

Imagine for a moment... It's the big day. You approach the castle, already catching sight of its elegant towers in the distance. Proudly standing amidst lush gardens, the white walls capture the sunlight, contrasting vividly against the blue sky. You walk along a majestic driveway that leads you to the main entrance. The castle doors open onto an inner courtyard. In the center, a fountain whose water jets sing. The courtyard walls are adorned with flowering vines, vibrant roses grow at the base of the walls... In such a charming setting, would you resist the urge to take a photo? Isn't this the perfect place to create unforgettable memories with your loved ones?

➡️ See our selection of wedding castles.

A festive and intimate atmosphere

Castles are often located in the countryside, far from the hustle and bustle of big cities. In this picturesque setting, one feels a pleasant sense of isolation. Cut off from the world and external demands, guests have only one thing on their minds: celebrating the newlyweds. Add a few glasses of champagne to the mix, and there's a good chance that the atmosphere will turn into grand declarations of love! That's also what makes us live a timeless experience.

Making an impression for the most beautiful day of one's life

A grandiose venue, worthy of their love

In Christian tradition, pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Rest assured: there's no need to feel ashamed, as it's an irrational motivation that is part of every human being. Abraham Maslow, on the other hand, speaks of the need for esteem. It's probably the desire to stroke our ego that drives us to celebrate the most important event of our lives in a venue as grand as a castle. We want a place that we consider worthy of our love for each other (and perhaps also a little of our love for ourselves).

Varied and entertaining spaces

Getting married in a castle also ensures giving rhythm to your evening, enjoying the different spaces to diversify pleasures. After exchanging vows under the flowered arch in the garden, you can invite your guests to the cocktail on the panoramic terrace. You will then guide them to the lounge for speeches. Then, you will lead them into the main hall for the banquet, after which you will open the ball in the dance hall...

Now it's your turn to write the rest of the story! Your wedding is a unique opportunity to organize the evening that reflects who you are, and this obviously involves choosing a venue that meets your expectations. Whether it's to immerse yourself in the world of fairy tales, to share unforgettable moments with your loved ones, to leave a lasting impression on your guests, or a bit of all of that combined, if you recognized yourself while reading these lines, it means that you too dream of getting married in a castle. So, don't wait any longer! Explore our selection of the most beautiful wedding castles in France. Be careful, you might fall under their charm!