Wine-themed weddings: 3 ingredients for a successful effect

March 18, 2024

Classic or themed wedding? This is THE question that future brides and grooms ask themselves at the start of the preparations. Themed weddings are particularly festive because they're out of the ordinary. It's also a way for couples to organize a ceremony that reflects their personal style. This article is aimed at oenophiles who plan to combine their passion for wine with their passion for their fiancé on the big day. If you're wondering whether this is a good idea, the answer is YES, but only if it's organized with care. In this article, Winnie Mariage reveals the 3 ingredients that will make your wine-themed wedding a success. We guide you step by step.

Choosing a wedding venue near vineyards

For a successful wine-themed wedding, the choice of venue is essential. Ideally, we advise you to opt for an estate close to vineyards. The good news is that French wine-growing regions such as Bordeaux, Champagne, Touraine and Burgundy are full of nuggets. Beautiful mansions perched high up in the hills with panoramic views over the avenues of vines, intimate estates lost in the middle of the vineyards, wine châteaux with well-kept trade secrets... the choice is yours!

See our selection of wedding estates

You can take advantage of these atypical spaces to surprise your guests with a variety of activities: local wine tasting, cellar tours, group photos in the vineyards.... These are particularly photogenic, especially in summer, when their thick green foliage contrasts with the brightly colored grapes. You won't be disappointed with the results! And don't miss the opportunity to match your food with quality wines throughout the meal!

Table decorations for a wine-themed wedding

Once you've selected your venue, you can start thinking about the decor. Start by going through all the objects that wine evokes in you: wine glasses, corks, bottles, grapes, barrels, corkscrews... the list goes on! Then, for each object, think of a way to turn it into something useful or pretty for your tables or decor.

And if nothing comes to mind, we've prepared a few ideas for you. For example, you could:

  • use wooden barrels as outdoor high tables ;
  • cut corks lengthwise to make card holders for your table plan;
  • create invitations in the style of wine bottle labels;
  • use empty wine bottles as vases with pretty flowers;
  • create walls of empty bottles highlighted by a play of light;
  • etc.

If you're feeling artistic, now's the time to let your imagination run wild! You'll love reappropriating spaces to recreate a world of your own. The wine theme will also appeal to planet lovers and those on a tight budget, who can use almost exclusively recycled materials for their decorations!

Defining a dress code for witnesses and bridesmaids

The last point will make all the difference. You'll need to devise a dress code and share it with your witnesses and bridesmaids. For example, you could suggest :

  • arrange bouquets of grapevines;
  • decorate their hair with grapevine wreaths;
  • opt for purple lipstick and nails;
  • wear wine-colored outfits;
  • etc.

When it comes to choosing colors, it's important to be rigorous, because without a perfect match, the result could be unsightly. You could opt for an intense burgundy or lighter tones. As you probably already know if you're a wine lover, there are red, rosé and white wines, as well as green (very popular in Portugal), orange and even yellow. So there's plenty for you to enjoy!

In short, to organize a wine-themed wedding, you'll need to choose a venue near a vineyard, decorate the spaces with wine-related objects, and plan a harmonious dress code. Take care of these 3 elements, and you'll create a unique atmosphere for your big day!

Ultimately, it all starts with the choice of venue. If you'd like some help with this, contact us! Winnie Mariage finds the best wedding estates and châteaux in France. Our partner venues are run by trustworthy people who, like us, are driven by the desire to make your wedding a success. We would be delighted to meet with you to discuss your project and consider together the options best suited to your needs.

➡️ Contact Winnie Mariage.