Choosing your wedding date: how to manage this key stage?

September 13, 2024

Choosing your wedding date is an absolutely crucial step in organizing your nuptials. Firstly, because it's the starting point for all your preparations: without a fixed date, you won't be able to book your venue, send out your invitations or contact your suppliers. And secondly, because the date and season you choose will have a major impact on the mood of the festivities. So how do you manage this key stage? Just follow our advice!

Give yourself at least a year to plan your wedding

While it's possible to plan a wedding in six months, to avoid the stress, we recommend planning for at least a year. Here's why:

Most reception venues can be booked up to a year in advance

... and sometimes even more, for the most prestigious venues! The reception venue and decor have a major impact on the atmosphere of the festivities. By getting in early, you maximize your chances of finding THE nugget that will make the event a stunner. That's why we recommend starting your search around 15 months in advance.

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Wedding planning is time-consuming and energy-consuming

Your wedding is one of the most important events in your life. But it's also a large-scale celebration, requiring the coordination of many people (reception venue, town hall, place of worship, caterer, make-up artist, decorator, etc.) to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the big day.

That's why the preparations will take up a lot of your time and mental energy. So, to avoid a stressful peak 3 months before the event and arrive rested and radiant for your big day, plan ahead!

Your guests have personal and professional commitments

We all have personal and professional commitments to honor. And so do you! So, unless you're getting married with a very small group, send out Save The Dates at least a year in advance, to allow your guests to make their arrangements.

Consider your budget when choosing your wedding date

Like any other industry, the wedding business is subject to the rules of supply and demand: the more popular the date, the higher the prices charged by reception venues and other service providers. If you're on a tight budget, we recommend choosing a wedding date in the low season (October to April), and excluding long weekends.

Bear in mind that parents tend to take their vacations during the school vacations. So if your budget is tight, but most of your guests are parents, choose weekdays during school vacations!

Select a symbolic date or a season that appeals to you

You can also choose a date with strong symbolism. For example, the anniversary of the day you met or the start of your relationship, a lucky date, etc.

And if you're not particularly superstitious, simply choose a season that appeals to you:

  • spring for a flowery wedding ;
  • summer for blue skies and long evenings outdoors;
  • autumn for orange-hued trees;
  • winter for a banquet atmosphere and open fire.

Make sure your closest witnesses and guests are available.

Before going any further, check with your family, close friends and, above all, your witnesses, to make sure they are available on the dates or at the time in question. After all, each spouse must designate two witnesses for the civil ceremony.

Ideally, book at least two dates. This will give you greater latitude in agreeing a final date with the town hall, the place of worship (if applicable), and the reception venue.

Confirm the date with the reception and ceremony venues

All that's left to do is confirm the date of your wedding with your favorite reception venue, your town hall, and possibly your place of worship. Please note, however, that the rhythm of a classic wedding (civil ceremony, religious ceremony, photo session, vin d'honneur, evening party) is not easy to maintain! If the various venues are far apart, or if you simply want to take your time, we recommend dividing the event over several days.

Indeed, it's not uncommon in large cities for the choice of town hall slots to be extremely limited, leaving the bride and groom no choice but to plan a separate event.

We've come to the end of this article, and hope to have answered most of your questions. One last word: you may have trouble finding a date that ticks all the boxes (availability of your dream venue, perfect season, affordable budget, availability of your guests...) In that case, prioritize the criteria that are most important to you. And now that you know how to choose your wedding date, find out how to find your wedding venue!